Category Archives: Journal

This is my Journal where I will write about happenings and noteworthy events.

Getting back to things

It’s been awhile since I did anything with this site. Lately I’ve been mainly dabbling with Instagram, but I’m getting a bit disillusioned with social media. I figured I’d give the WordPress app a try and it seems to work quite nicely. It’s my plan to go back to using this site as my main [Continue reading]

Catching up!

I realize I haven’t updated this website since September last year, so I figured I’d bring visitors up to speed as to what’s going on here. First of all I had a hellish month after my last post, when my charming webhost that I’ve been with for many years now decided to shut down my [Continue reading]


A nice warm summer is that time of year most people dream about here in the northern hemisphere, but for us aquarists it can be a curse. Temperatures skyrocket, sometimes well into the 90’s and this can make life very difficult for us marine aquarists, as many of the animals we keep are very sensitive [Continue reading]