In the past I’ve used Instagram a fair bit to document the progress on my reefs. At times I upload higher quality photo’s to various build-threads on different saltwater forums. But given Instagram’s terms and conditions, I felt that my best shots are not something I want to give them access to, so why not [Continue reading]
This is my Maxi-mini anemone and it just won’t sit still! It crawls out and sits out in the open for maybe a week or two only to crawl back into hiding for another week and then rinse and repeat. It crawled out again a few days ago and is now sitting smack right under [Continue reading]
It’s been awhile since I did anything with this site. Lately I’ve been mainly dabbling with Instagram, but I’m getting a bit disillusioned with social media. I figured I’d give the WordPress app a try and it seems to work quite nicely. It’s my plan to go back to using this site as my main [Continue reading]
So I stumbled into my aquarium room last night with flashlight in hand as I often do to check up on the denizens of the night, and as I looked into one of my 16 gallon reefs I was not at all prepared for what I was about to see. Little larvae, swarming by the [Continue reading]
One of the things that makes this hobby so amazing are all the wondrous and strange creatures that can crop up in their tank and even pests or potential pests can bring a measure of fascination. One of these enigmatic creatures is Zanclea Margaritae, a hydroid that lives on Acropora corals and is described by [Continue reading]
So I kind of ended up pulling out a lot of rocks with soft corals that had gotten out of hand from my tanks and ended up starting a new 10 gallon softie tank. I had a BLAU Nano LED Light freshwater lamp laying around which I had intended for my refugium but didn’t quite cut it, so [Continue reading]
After more than 2 wonderful years together the end has come. I went to try and feed her this morning and she was gone… it looked like she was just laying in the sand sleeping peacefully. The last few days have been quite heartbreaking as she has wasted away, unable to eat. But how she loved [Continue reading]
The thing about this hobby is that it is always remains a learning experience, be it 1 year, 5 or even 10 and beyond. No matter how far you have come, you still make mistakes, re-evalute and learn. And sometimes even decisions made years ago can come back and bite you in the proverbial butt. My [Continue reading]
I realize I haven’t updated this website since September last year, so I figured I’d bring visitors up to speed as to what’s going on here. First of all I had a hellish month after my last post, when my charming webhost that I’ve been with for many years now decided to shut down my [Continue reading]
A nice warm summer is that time of year most people dream about here in the northern hemisphere, but for us aquarists it can be a curse. Temperatures skyrocket, sometimes well into the 90’s and this can make life very difficult for us marine aquarists, as many of the animals we keep are very sensitive [Continue reading]