After more than 2 wonderful years together the end has come. I went to try and feed her this morning and she was gone… it looked like she was just laying in the sand sleeping peacefully. The last few days have been quite heartbreaking as she has wasted away, unable to eat. But how she loved [Continue reading]
Things don’t always turn out the way we plan and more often than we would like, misfortune seems to befall us. But sometimes adversity can be channeled into something positive. I’m very proud of my little Mandarin Dragonet’s 10 gallon tank, which I have successfully kept her in for an entire year. Not only is [Continue reading]
We saltwater aquarists have a tendency to spend A LOT of money on our hobby, especially when it comes to the colorful and interesting livestock. But sometimes its what we don’t buy that ends up being more interesting, such as this little fellow right up there! Asterina Starfish are common in saltwater aquariums, often introduced [Continue reading]
Now that my Website has been refurbished and is up and running again, it is high time to start introducing the many aquarium setups I maintain. So what better to start with than my Mandarin Dragonet’s home. Tank Details: – 43 Liter standard glass aquarium. – 50w AquaEl glass heater – Hydor Koralia Nano 900 [Continue reading]