All posts by Mark Forsling

I was born in 1987 and pretty much grew up with aquariums around me in one form or another. But It wasn't until I was 14 years old that my passion for our finny friends really took off. In 2005 I took the dip into the world of saltwater and have been a passionate reef addict ever since!

Catching up!

I realize I haven’t updated this website since September last year, so I figured I’d bring visitors up to speed as to what’s going on here. First of all I had a hellish month after my last post, when my charming webhost that I’ve been with for many years now decided to shut down my [Continue reading]


A nice warm summer is that time of year most people dream about here in the northern hemisphere, but for us aquarists it can be a curse. Temperatures skyrocket, sometimes well into the 90’s and this can make life very difficult for us marine aquarists, as many of the animals we keep are very sensitive [Continue reading]

Perseverance through adversity

Corals are amazing wonders of nature. They seem like such simple creatures, spineless and without brains, yet they are incredibly complex and highly resilient with some species being able to regrow an entire colony from but a single cell. And once in a while one does need a reminder of just how resilient they really [Continue reading]

Here there be babies!

One of the biggest thrills and joy of this hobby is the unexpected. I purchased a small frogspawn head(Euphyllia Paradivisa) at a fragswap this spring, and under my care it has been doing really well. Its growing and heads are splitting repeatedly, and what was once a branch with “five” polyps has become “eight”, and [Continue reading]

Frag Swap & Seminar

Last weekend I attended a Seminar and Frag Swap hosted by the “Maritime Museum & Aquarium” of Gothenburg. It was a fascinating program to say the least, and the highlight of the program was Ehsan Dashti, Founder and Owner of TRITON Applied Reef Bioscience. He spoke at length about reef chemistry and biology and about [Continue reading]