Category Archives: Journal

This is my Journal where I will write about happenings and noteworthy events.

Perseverance through adversity

Corals are amazing wonders of nature. They seem like such simple creatures, spineless and without brains, yet they are incredibly complex and highly resilient with some species being able to regrow an entire colony from but a single cell. And once in a while one does need a reminder of just how resilient they really [Continue reading]

Here there be babies!

One of the biggest thrills and joy of this hobby is the unexpected. I purchased a small frogspawn head(Euphyllia Paradivisa) at a fragswap this spring, and under my care it has been doing really well. Its growing and heads are splitting repeatedly, and what was once a branch with “five” polyps has become “eight”, and [Continue reading]

Frag Swap & Seminar

Last weekend I attended a Seminar and Frag Swap hosted by the “Maritime Museum & Aquarium” of Gothenburg. It was a fascinating program to say the least, and the highlight of the program was Ehsan Dashti, Founder and Owner of TRITON Applied Reef Bioscience. He spoke at length about reef chemistry and biology and about [Continue reading]

Stocking up on some tools

A little package was waiting for me at the post office today with some very interesting new items. Looking at the items, one might conclude that I’m either a doctor or a mad scientist, which maybe wouldn’t be all that wrong? After all I consider myself a self-educated coral surgeon! These tools are mostly for [Continue reading]